This is the first autobiography�written by�resident New Zealandprofessional boxer Denny Enright�and covers his amateur and professionalcareer including his time in Australia with Jack Rennie in the LionelRose era, family life, horrific American Red Nose Pit-bull dog attackwhich was a life and death fight, the deep dark hole of depression andfight back to full recovery, Tuaman title fight in Las Vegas in 2000,life after boxing, and where he sees the sport of boxing now.
This is a true, factual story on the life of a young fighter as heworked through his boxing career and life in general. The title "BORN TOBE A FIGHTER" is not only a term used for boxers but for everyone ingeneral as they fight their different battles through�life whether it bein boxing, business, health, personal relationships, finding a job orreally anything related to life. This book drives home the point that nomatter hard the going gets, never ever give up on what you want toachieve.
All royalties from the sale of the book will go to ConductiveEducation Southern Charitable Trust in Invercargill that�assist childrenand adults suffering from Cerebral Palsy, motor disorders, and otherrelated�illnesses.